is a part of the trust, Classical Healing Research Foundation. This trust has been registered (Reg. No. 30/2001) under the Government of India since, the year 2001..

To know the World, knowledge is needed.
But to know “who Am I?”, wisdom is required.

Journey towards Divine Life
• Divine Soul Wisdom
• know your Soul
• Adoption of Divine spiritualties
• How to live a Divine life
• Showing a pathway towards salvation of all your karmas
For those who believe in Soul & purifying their Soul through Divine path, can participate in our training program on “Spiritual Enlightenment” and enjoy the benefits.
For young men and women to serve in the non-drug medical field, the alternative method of treatment, is very effective along with the spiritual science therapy.
Our Classes

Aathma Gnanam
Aathma Gnanam / Brahma Gnanam / Philosophical Wisdom means ‘to discover truths about oneself’(Gnanam is realization, AATHMA GNANAM is do covering one’s soul)

Divine Soul Healing
To improve your Physical and Mental wellbeing, with the oldest form of Scientific methods which never to finger your Body and any Medicines. Only by The Power of Nature, Thoughts and Divine Supremacy.

Divine Characteristics –
Divine ways of Life –
3 hours training program
For physically, Mentally, healthy, relaxed, contented, united, fraternal, humane, always forgiving, economic comfort, security, perfection, to enjoy every moment of your life with eternal bliss, to live the Divine life, this training will help you to achieve complete divine life. with the blessings of God.
“Silence is the state of being without thoughts”
“Wisdom is the state of being silence”
That is the state of the yogi

Spiritual Enlightenment
For a Saint or any ordinary human being, the most important thing is to
learn & practice the art of Spiritual enlightenment.
Without this knowledge one will not be able to live & experience a Divine life.
Follow Us
Vyasananda Maharishi
Benwells Park Apartment,
Benwells Road, Contonment,
(Near, Contonment Police Station, Kalai kaveri college)
TRICHY – 620 001
+91 63851 96965