Divine Soul Healing
There are many Soul healing methods available where you can heal the body without touching body.
These methodologies have been published as two books.
With the help of these books, by repeated learning & practicing those methods, you will be a great healer.
Divine Soul Healing
To improve the physical and mental well being we adoptthe oldest form of scientific methods without touching the body and without medicines, but relying solely on the power of nature, thoughts and the divine power.
To make people practice medicine less healing, alternate medicine practitioners combined with scientific religious methods, completely heals the patient of physical and mental disorders and helps them lead a healthy, happy,relaxed and blissful life. This is the ultimate goal of the divine soul healing.
Specialties of Divine Soul Healing methods taught by Sri Vyasananda Maharisi:
- There is No Side Effects as it is completely based on Nature, Thoughts and Divine Power
- In addition to Healing Ourselves, we can Heal Others Too.
- Healing happens without Touching the Body
- There is Less Medical Expense in the Family
- We can heal not only just the symptoms but also the root cause of the illness.
- Complete and immediate healing of diseases which were not possibleby different medical system and practitioner.
- Along with the field of medicine you are currently practicing, you can combine this healing technique fastest and the best way of healing.
- You can learn, understand and improve the power of energy that circulates in the human body
- Based on the divine healing it is possible to gain in depth knowledge about healing without medicines, greatly useful for different alternative form of medical practitioners.
- Heals all kinds of diseases related to mind.
- It is possible to completely heal the base for all problems which is the cause of psychosomatic disorder. To heal psychological issueswhich affects the physical and mental well being(bad eye, evil spirit, bad thoughts).
- To decrease the levels of diabetes in people by regeneration of the cells and reviving the parts especially the pancreas.
- In this pure form of healing, in addition to the symptoms, the entire cause of the disease is eliminated and leads towards a healthy, happy and blissful life.
For a Saint or any ordinary human being, the most important thing is to
learn & practice the art of Spiritual enlightenment.
Without this knowledge one will not be able to live & experience a Divine life.
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Vyasananda Maharisi
Benwells Park Apartment,
Benwells Road, Contonment,
(Near, Contonment Police Station, Kalai kaveri college)
TRICHY – 620 001